February 25, 2010

to you, february

there are 12 months in the calendar year:

each year we endure a month named "february" and at first glance this month seems harmless, or even endearing with the holiday of love and a work- and school-free holiday throughout its 28 days.

yes, to some, february is just another month in a long string of months. i, however, have come to the belief that this month is not endearing; it is a heartless, cold, deathly month that seems to drag out longer than any other month of the year despite its relatively short length.

in addition, i believe valentine's day was placed right in the middle of the month to hide february's evil qualities. to sum up my feelings: february is downright awful.

now, you may think this strong reaction is a bit silly or unwarranted and if you do, you are dead wrong. over the span of 22 years i have found the month with the most oft-occurring negative experiences to be the month that starts with the letter "f".

as we all know, when a student receives an "f" as a grade, it means they failed. i would argue that the same is true for the one month that starts with this terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad letter.

so it is to that most horrific of all months which i speak at this time:

february, february please go away.
please take with you all the bad you bring.
take also all the bad you carelessly leave in your wake.
let us hurry on to greet a new march or april
and the prospects they carry.

february, february, may you hear my plea ~~
quickly move on without anymore sorrow.

1 comment:

Kimberly Moore said...

I totally agree! I am more than happy to move on to March tomorrow. How does one little month seem to pack such a powerful punch? It's criminal for a month disguised with gooey declarations of love and conversation hearts to bring with it the very darkest days, the deepest pits of despair, and the most painful wounds!

Goodbye February. I'm happy to see you and your cloak-and-dagger tactics go. Please don't leave your bad influence on March.

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